Food can be bundle packing and individual packing. Impulse sealers, shrink wrapping, sleeve wrapping, vacuum sealers, continuous band sealers and inkjet printers are suitable for food packaging to provide protection, extend shelf life and code marking.
Advance entry level nozzle type vacuum sealer for total vacuum packaging applications.
EDG series vacuum sealer with gas purging is designed for moderate duty usage.
High performance advanced level nozzle type vacuum sealer with Bi-Active impulse sealing system.
High performance advanced level gas purging nozzle type vacuum sealer with Bi-Active impulse sealing system.
Compact table top model, stainless steel chassis ideal for cafe, restaurant, butcher, and laboratory. Front seal bar configuration.
Best selling & versatile vacuum sealers with two side of the sealing bar, mobility, and heavy duty usage. Front & back seal bar configuration.
Compact double chamber vacuum sealer ideal for small products & limited workspace usage. Front & back seal bar configuration.
Horizontal type impulse heat sealing is the most common and safest sealing system for major film sealing and welding. Wide range of impulse sealing system such as single heating type sealing, Bi-Active (both side heating type) sealing and ultra impulse heat sealing with temperature feedback system.
Vertical type impulse heat sealing is the most common and safest sealing system for major film sealing and welding. Wide range of impulse sealing system such as single heating type sealing, Bi-Active (both side heating type) sealing and ultra impulse heat sealing with temperature feedback system.
Portable handheld sealers are designed with small or compact size and are light-weighted device that results to a more easy carriage to location of item to be sealed. The sealers are portable welding clamp used for sealing aluminum, nylon, paper, laminated film bags / sacks.
Entry level mini shrink tunnel provides heat shrink by using infrared ray heater.
Heavy duty compact shrink tunnel deliver evenly heated dense air around the package even shrinkage for variety of products.
Heavy duty medium size shrink tunnel deliver evenly heated dense air around the package even shrinkage for variety of products.
Heavy duty medium size shrink tunnel deliver evenly heated dense air around the package even shrinkage for variety of products.
Heavy duty large size shrink tunnel deliver evenly heated dense air around the package even shrinkage for variety of products.
Heavy duty long shrink tunnel deliver evenly heated dense air around the package even shrinkage for variety of products.
Fully automatic L-type sealer provides uniform sealing and increase productivity.
Semi Automatic L-Type Sealers with magnetic latching and direct conveying after sealing.
Manual L-Type sealer with magnetic latching and bottom heating configuration.
Manual L-Type Sealer with bottom heating element configuration.
The SWM series sleeve wrapper is a sideway pusher type and equipped with free rollers for product conveying.
The SWA auto sleeve wrapper is a sideway pusher type and equipped with in-feed belt conveyor.
The SWG auto sleeve wrapper with automatic products grouping is a sideway pusher type and equipped with chain top conveyor for products conveying.
The SWL automatic sleeve wrapper is a straight line wrapping system and equipped with belt conveyors for product conveying.