Endless Sealing Bands

Accesories  PTFE Coated Glass Belts

Teflon Belts
Teflon Zone Tape
Teflon Zone Tape
Teflon Zone Tape

PTFE Coated Glass Belts (Teflon Belts)

Continuous band sealing machines involves plastic film moving between two endless PTFE (Teflon) sealing bands which are pressed together by heat bars. The two travelling belts allow heat to transfer through them sealing the thermoplastic, often a bag. PTFE Sealing bands are available in various size suit continuous band sealers. The seamless endless band provides a uniform thickness giving consistent heat and cooling transfer during the plastic film sealing process.

  • For Heat-Sealing
  • For Heat-Resistant Electrical Insulation
Thickness: 0.15mm
Color: Beige, Dark Brown and Green
Temperature Range: - 73°C to 260°C
Size: (W) 10mm x Endless Length (L) 1120mm
(W) 10mm x Endless Length (L) 1180mm
(W) 12.5mm x Endless Length (L) 1175mm
(W) 15mm x Endless Length (L) 750mm
(W) 15mm x Endless Length (L) 770mm
(W) 15mm x Endless Length (L) 810mm
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